Severe Weather Preparedness

Severe Weather can occur any time during the year.


Winter Weather Preparedness

新罕布什尔州的冬季风暴范围从几小时的中等降雪到东北风, 暴风雪带来了持续数天的眩目大雪. 人们可能会被困在汽车里或困在家里, without utilities or other services. 冬季风暴的后果可能会对一个社区或整个地区造成数天的影响, 几周甚至几个月. 风暴的影响, 在新罕布什尔州, include large snow accumulation, extremely cold temperatures, 重, wet snow or icing on 树木和电线, closed highways and blocked roads, 屋顶倒塌, coastal flooding and beach erosion.

由于在使用替代热源时缺乏适当的安全预防措施,房屋火灾和一氧化碳中毒在冬季更频繁发生, like unattended fires and space heaters. As with most potential disasters: preparedness, 监控媒体和常识可以最大限度地减少对你和你的家人的危险.

Before a Winter Storm Threatens

Know the terms used by weather forecasters:

冬季风暴观察– Be alert, a winter storm is likely in your area. Tune to radio or television for more information.

冬季风暴警告– Take action, the storm is in or entering the area.

暴雪预警-雪和强风结合会产生眩目的雪, 接近零能见度, 深飘, and life-threatening wind chill. Seek refuge immediately.

Winter Weather Advisory-冬季的天气状况可能会造成严重的不便和危险, especially to motorists.

冻雨– Rain that freezes when it hits the ground, creating a coating of ice on road, 人行道, 树木和电线. 如果预计有半英寸或更多的冻雨,将发布冰暴警告.

Wind Chill Advisory / Warning-风和寒冷的结合导致温度达到零下15华氏度

  • 有一个 应急供应包 to survive on their own for at least three days.
    • 不易腐烂的食品,
    • bottled water, flashlights and extra batteries
    • a portable radio in case of power outages
    • 额外的物品应该包括一个新鲜储存的急救箱, essential prescription medicines, a non-electric can opener, 婴幼儿护理产品, 额外的毯子, 睡袋和灭火器,别忘了你宠物的需要.
  • 为了保暖,准备额外的毯子或睡袋. Wear layers of clothing.
  • 手边要有灭火器,确保每个人都知道如何使用.
  • 开发一个 Family Emergency Communication Plan 万一家庭成员在冬季暴风雪中彼此分离(这在白天成年人上班,孩子上学或上大学的时候是很有可能的), and have a plan for getting back together. 请一个州外的亲戚或朋友作为“家庭联系人”. 灾难发生后,通常更容易拨打长途电话. 确保每个人都知道联系人的姓名、地址和电话号码.
  • 教师, staff and students who are home owners:
  • 有足够的取暖燃料,因为常规能源可能会被切断. 有应急供暖设备和燃料(燃气壁炉)吗, 烧木头的炉子或壁炉),这样你就可以至少保留一个房间. Be sure the room is well ventilated.
  • If not on an automatic fuel delivery plan, start one. Work with your fuel supplier for payment plan
  • 确保你的家/公寓配备了可工作的烟雾探测器和一氧化碳报警器,并配有备用电池.
  • Make sure your home is properly insulated. 在门窗上填缝和加挡风雨条,防止冷空气进入.
  • 为了防止水管结冰,让水龙头滴水以避免结冰. Know how to shut off water valves.
  • 如果管道结冰, 去除绝缘, 完全打开所有水龙头,将热水倒在管道上, starting where they are most exposed to the cold. 小心使用的手持式吹风机也很有效.
car sliding in the snow






  • 保持油箱满,检查挡风玻璃刮水液.
  • Install good winter tires with adequate tread. 确保您的车辆处于良好的保养状态.
  • 准备好挡风玻璃刮刀、小扫帚和铲子来清除冰雪
  • Plan long trips carefully, 收听广播或电视,了解最新的天气预报和路况. 如果预报天气不好,只有在绝对必要的情况下才开车.
  • 建议的项目 Winter Emergency Car Kit include a flashlight with extra batteries, 一个基本的急救箱, 必要的药物, 小刀, booster cables or jump kit, a blanket or a sleeping bag, extra clothes (including rain gear, 连指手套和袜子), non-perishable easily opened foods, sand for generating vehicle traction, tire chains or traction mats, a basic tool kit (pliers, 扳手, 螺丝刀), 拖绳, 旗子:盛水的容器和用作旗帜的色彩鲜艳的布, 如果有必要的话.
  • Travel during daylight hours, keep others informed of your schedule, route and if possible, take another person with you. Stay on main roads; avoid back road shortcuts.
  • 如果暴风雪把你困在车里,把车开出高速公路. 打开危险灯,在收音机天线或窗户上悬挂求救旗.
  • 待在车里,这样救援人员更容易找到你. 不要徒步出发,除非你能看到附近的建筑物,你知道你可以在那里避难.
  • 每小时运行发动机和加热器约10分钟,以保持温暖. 发动机运转时,应将车窗微微打开,以便通风. Periodically clear snow from the exhaust pipe.
  • Exercise to maintain body heat, but avoid overexertion. In extreme cold, huddle with passengers.
  • 轮流睡觉. 必须有一个人时刻保持清醒,以便寻找救援人员.
  • Drink fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Be careful not to waste battery power. 平衡电能需求:使用电灯、暖气和收音机. 晚上,打开里面的灯,这样工作人员和救援人员就能看到你.



  • If you need to go outdoors, 应季着装, wearing several layers of loose fitting, 轻量级, 温暖的衣服, rather than one layer of 重 clothing. 外衣应紧密编织和防水.
  • Mittens are better than gloves.
  • Wear a hat; most body heat is lost through the top of the head.
  • Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.
  • Be careful when shoveling snow. 过度劳累会导致心脏病发作——这是冬季死亡的主要原因.
  • 注意冻伤的迹象:失去知觉,四肢(如手指)出现白色或苍白, 脚趾, ear lobes or the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, seek medical help immediately.
  • 注意体温过低的迹象:无法控制的颤抖, 记忆丧失, 定向障碍, 不连贯, 口齿不清, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If symptoms are detected, get the victim to a warm location, remove any wet clothing, warm the center of the body first and give warm, non-alcoholic beverages, if the victim is conscious. Get medical help, as soon as possible.

After the Winter Storm

  • 远离道路,以便犁地作业顺利进行.
  • 帮忙挖出你家附近的消防栓和雨水沟.
  • 避免停车太靠近角落,让公共安全车辆和犁安全机动.
  • Be aware of children playing in the streets, 尤指爬上或从大雪堆后面跑出来.
  • 家长应提醒子女留意犁地作业及交通情况.
  • 在排气管清除积雪之前,不要开车.
  • 房主们,请确保备用发电机和备用热源通风良好
  • Take your time shoveling. 避免过度运动.
  • Use care around downed power lines. Assume a down wire is a live wire. Report it to authorities.
  • 注意头顶上的危险,如折断的树枝、屋顶和电线上的冰.
  • 房主们,请确保备用发电机和备用热源通风良好.
  • Remove 重 snow from roofs; if safe to do so. Make sure gutters and drains are clear.
  • 房主们,请确保备用发电机和备用热源通风良好.

Additional Winter Weather Preparedness Information:

国土安全部 & 应急管理


Federal 应急管理 Agency

National Weather Service Winter Weather
