酒精, 尼古丁, & Other Drug Education and Counseling

grace roy with skeleton

Our 酒精, 尼古丁, and Other Drug (ANOD)Educator/Counselor is Nancy Bushinsky, MSW, LICSW. 

We understand how college life, 独立, 社会联系, 压力, 信仰, and brain development (to name a few!) are powerful influencers on your choices during this time in your life.

Are you interested in…

  • Making choices that reflect your values?
  • 学习ing skills to reduce your risks for harm?
  • Creating a plan and timeline to reduce use or quit altogether?
  • Support to make behavior changes that serve your goals?
  • Acquiring the latest research-based knowledge?
  • Resources to support or enhance your recovery?
  • Evaluating your use as it relates to various aspects of your well-being?
  • Referrals to community resources for treatment?
  • Information on how to help a friend or family member?

我们提供安全的, 放松, and confidential space for you to explore your relationship with alcohol, 尼古丁, 大麻, 和其他药物.

Make an appointment


Mandated Education Program

Were you referred to 健康 & 健康 to complete mandated alcohol or other drug education due to a UNH conduct or UNH/Durham legal violation? 了解更多永利app新版本官网地址 MANDATED EDUCATION PROGRAMS.


Psychological and Counseling 服务 (PACS)

Your counseling needs may be better served at Psychological and Counseling 服务 (PACS) in Smith Hall. PACS is UNH's primary mental health facility. They provide individual and group counseling and therapy for students who may be experiencing situational or ongoing psychological difficulties. Concerns students often address through PACS include educational/academic goals, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 悲伤, 饮食失调, 药物滥用, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, self-harm/self-mutilation, sexual identity/orientation issues, traumatic situations, or relationship issues. They also assist with emotional and behavioral crises/emergencies. Please call (603) 862-2090 for additional information or an appointment.