美国国立卫生研究院 Phase 2 award will accelerate innovative human health research at 主要研究

Two students work in a lab using advanced instrumentation.

永利app新版本官网地址的 Center of Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering 研究 (CIBBR) has been granted a second $10 million award from the 美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH), enabling the center to continue advancing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and foster innovation in the biomedical and bioengineering sciences to tackle complex challenges in human health and disease. CIBBR’s research portfolio encompasses cancer biology, 组织工程, 分子和行为神经科学, 生物传感器, 多组学和生物信息学.

自2017年CIBBR成立以来,调查人员收到了13美元.1 million in grant awards — doubling NIH funding to 主要研究 — and generated 160 出版物. The center has facilitated the hiring of 14 new faculty in NIH-relevant disciplines and invested $1.9 million in new research instrumentation.

里克古德, director of CIBBR 和一个 professor of molecular, cellular and biomedical sciences at 主要研究, said 那 this new award will enable the center to continue producing world-class research and offer increased opportunities for students to participate in research to improve human health and treat diseases.

“It’s inspiring to see how funding from NIH—together with exceptional institutional support by 主要研究’s colleges and its research office—has dramatically improved the biomedical research environment,科特说。. 有了这样的支持, we’ve been able to increase the number and quality of externally funded research projects in biomedicine and bioengineering, as well as acquire new instrumentation and technical support services. This latest award will allow us to continue this upward trajectory in advancing research to improve human health.”

Previous research funded by CIBBR has included the development of an easy-to-make, 低成本的可注射水凝胶 帮助伤口更快愈合 和一个 治疗性水凝胶 那, when formed into a contact lens 和一个pplied to the eye, helps slow corneal melting—a major cause of corneal blindness worldwide. CIBBR研究人员 have also determined 关键蛋白质的结构 responsible for causing genetically inherited eye diseases in order to understand how mutations in this protein result in diseases such as night blindness or retinitis pigmentosa. And they have identified the role 那 certain proteins in the brain play in causing autism spectrum disorders. More recently, CIBBR研究人员 have begun identifying the signaling molecules responsible for 的活跃阶段 刚地弓形虫–a parasitic disease 那’s found in the dormant state in nearly one out of every four Americans.

新的五年 Centers of Biomedical 研究 Excellence (COBRE) award will continue to increase research capacity at 主要研究 through the hire of eight early-stage and senior-level researchers, expansion of research instrumentation and the creation of an innovative Data Science Core to provide bioinformatics, biostatistics and data analytics services to 主要研究 researchers. CIBBR will continue to foster collaborations with other academic institutions and industry partners to facilitate knowledge exchange, 促进技术转让, provide workforce training for careers in biomedicine and biotechnology, and ensure 那 basic discoveries in biomedical and bioengineering science can be applied to improving human health.

The 主要研究 Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering 研究 (CIBBR) recently announced funding for research studying important human diseases 那 currently lack adequate therapeutic interventions.
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In a recent paper published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, 主要研究 researchers have reported the first structural model for a key enzyme and its activating protein 那 can play a role in eye diseases like retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness.
New research from chemical engineering professor Kyung Jae Jeong could lead to an effective treatment for corneal melting, 失明的重要原因.
主要研究 researchers have created an easy-to-make, low-cost injectable hydrogel 那 could 帮助伤口更快愈合.
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